How to always choose the right attire

How to choose the right attire and feel confident in it

How to always choose the right attire

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The right attire can seem difficult to find when going  through the racks of a shop. It is like climbing a mountain in the dark. Many are struggling to find not only their own personal style, but also pieces that fit their body best.

Do you wish to get the heck out of this messy situation, keep reading. You will be hinted on how to find your way through the vaste quantity of clothings available where ever you choose to shop.

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The Right Attire Will Not Always Be A Trend

Trends keep changing, and the temptation is that of adopting them each time, without taking into consideration somme important parameters: physical traits.

The ideal look takes into account physical traits. They vary widely. Shapes, colours and skin tones are the main ones to be taken into account when choosing apparel.

Hence is important for every individual hoping to leave the fashion endless loop and stand out, to know him/her self. That is; in terms of body shape , colour and tone.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column el_id=”heading2″][vc_column_text]

Skin Colours And Tones

  • Starting with the skin colour, it is generally an easy guess. There are 6 main skin colours, according to the famous dermatologist Thomas B Fitzpatrick.
  • They are: Pale white, Fair, Darker white, Light brown, Brown and dark brown skin colours, as show on the palette below.
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  • As far as skin tones are concerned, they are three major kind, which are: Cold, Warm, and Neutral.
  • You have a warm skin tone if your skin has a greenish or yellowish undertone.
  • If your skin has a blueish undertone, then your skin tone is cold.
  • As for the neutral skin tone type, it is in between cold and warm. It is hard to determine.
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Body Shape Types

As mentioned earlier, body shapes vary from one person to the other. So logically, a single clothe can not be the perfect fit for everyone, no matter the sizes worn. 

If you still do not know your body shape, this little guide from Doctor Style will certainly help you out.

PS: All body shapes are beautiful, and they all have attires that can fit them to perfection.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”5834″ img_size=”large” add_caption=”yes” alignment=”center” onclick=”zoom”][vc_column_text]At this point, you must have figured out your skin colour, tone, and your body shape. You are there for ready to become a bad**s Fashionista!

Next, we will pay attention to fit.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column el_id=”heading4″][vc_column_text]

To Get The Right Attire; Ignore Sizes And Pay Attention To Fit

There are plenty of people who have perfectly thin waists, but still wear size L or 29-31 in pants. This because they’ve got a booty on them. Guess what? The world does not collapse depending on what size you wear. 

Consequently, do no stay stuck on a size you want, but give a try on those other sizes that seem to be better fits for you. We are talking here about those larger sizes you keep avoiding. You will be surprised how beautiful / handsome you will look in attires that respect your body size and shape. 

Similarly, do not underestimate how small you are either. If you think you can legitimately fit into a smaller size, go for it. The last thing you need is to look frumpy in your clothes. 

All in all, the figures should just serve as a guide. In spite of the fact that sizes of clothes produced worldwide might be the same in numbers but the truth is otherwise. Chris Cater Fashion has come to understand with experience, that heights and widths of the same sizes vary a lot for the same sizes in apparel. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

What It Entails…

At this point, you should let your body shape lead you to the right attire. It will predefine what kind of clothing will look best on you. Your skin colour and skin tones will help you with the colours.

Nevertheless, it should be noted skin colour does not prevent from wearing all colours. If we talk about it here, it is just for you to step out of the lot in an exceptional way. Thus, no matter your pigmentation, you can vary colours, so far as you can match them well.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column el_id=”heading5″][vc_column_text]

The Right Attire Requires Its Accessories

Accessories can brighten up the most simple of selections, but also complement an already-popping look. Whether it’s a pair of dangly earrings, a stack of rings, neck scarf or floppy hat, pairing every outfit with some kind of accessory is sure to add an extraordinary pop to an otherwise-ordinary look. Accessories are easy to wear, they provide a personal touch and they are excellent ice-breakers.


The Takeaway

In essence, you should be observant about yourself, and let your body and the occasion decide what will look good on you. Paying attention to your skin tone and colour will bring you higher ends.

And finally, ask question… Everyone has to begin somewhere, you can not become a fashion guru in a blink. So if you are in a shop, mall just draw the attention of the sellers, so they can advise you on the best clothing options they have for you.

And if you still feel confused about the whole thing, you can always come over to Chris Carter Fashion. Our team will make sure to give you the very best.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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