Here are some reasons why you buy things you don’t need

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Have you sat one day and realized you had been making purchases that you don’t actually need, and how much financing it’s been costing you?

Many people become broke because they fail to manage the way they spend their money, equally because they are influenced by what is happening around them.

You probably buy what you don’t need because of the reasons below:

  1. You think new is always better

We live in a world where some people would prefer to completely replace a damaged item, rather than fix it. Most of those things need just a little retouch.

  1. You want to impress people

Our need to impress others comes as a result of pride. This isn’t the good kind of pride, because it can encourage you to live up to a certain standard that will dry up your savings account.

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  1. You don’t think through what you already have before you purchase

You need to appreciate what you have already. The moment you stop being content with what you have, you discover that you want to get more, which will lead to unnecessary purchases.

  1. You are exposed to too much advertising

When advertisements start catching your attention a lot, there are high chances you will start contemplating to make a purchase. The effects of advertising are powerful.

  1. You feel that more stuff will give you a greater degree of security

For some reason, many people equate more stuff with more security. But just because you have more stuff doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t lose it to a fire or another form of accident. 

Each time you think of spending your money on something, ask yourself, is it worth it? Forget about the pressure from friends, family members, and colleagues. This is because when you finally end up bankrupt, you’ll be the only one to feel the pain.[/vc_column_text]

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